Properties of Stem Cells



Stems cells are cells with the potential to form any kind of cell in the body and to regenerate other stem cells, a property called self renewal. This image is from Synentec (stem cells), a company providing equipment and cells for research and translational medicine purposes. The image shows the pluripotency index on the left, which decreases as the cells become more differentiated. The differentiation status index is on the right and is least when the cells are first isolated [embryonic stem (ES) cells] or induced to form pluripotent cells (iPS cells).

Read more about stem cells at BioSerendipity:
N. R. Gough, Stem Cells Repair Injured Hearts. BioSerendipity (15 August 2018)

N. R. Gough, Stem Cell Injections for Osteoarthritic Knees. BioSerendipity (8 January 2018).

N. R. Gough, Virally Modified Cells Regenerate Normal Skin. BioSerendipity (5 December 2017).

N. R. Gough, Leveraging Cellular Mechanical Signaling to Improve Drug Specificity. BioSerendipity (2 August 2017)
