Career Training Services: Communicating Science to Different Audiences


Abstract: This presentation highlights the importance of understanding the audience in communicating science effectively, providing examples of different presentations for different audiences. The talk covers the use social media, the power of press releases, and how to write effective titles and abstracts. With many real examples, this talk will help any scientist tell a compelling scientific story.

Presentation Outline

  1. Editor’s Perspective
    • Roles of an editor
    • 5 Golden rules
    • Audiences
  2. 3 Summaries for 1 Article
    • Abstract for scientific indexing
    • Summary for general audience
    • Summary for press
  3. Reaching a broad audience
    • Social media
    • Power of a press release
  4. Audience
    • Funding agency
    • Scientist
    • Reviewer
    • Editor
  5. Cover Letters
  6. Titles
  7. Abstracts
  8. Writing Tips
    • Clarity
    • Conciseness
    • Accuracy
    • Precision
    • Samples

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